Friday 2 May 2014

Nina Simone - That Blackness #powerfulstuff



Monday 24 March 2014

Music ; food for the soul and mind

Some people enter your life to make you understand L.O.V.E - and I 've always said, music expresses our feelings better than we can ever define them ouselves.

Recently a gorgeous human being has been spicing my taste buds and palate with various types of music - and once again I met l.o.v.e.

Here are a few tracks that I've been listening too.


1) Jamie Swoon - spirals

2) Jillian Banks - warm water

3) Jhene Aiko- Mirros

4) Kelela - Send me out

5) FKA Twigs - Papi Pacify

Thats all.....

"You must learn her.
You must know the reason why she is silent. You must trace her weakest spots. You must write to her. You must remind her that you are there. You must know how long it takes for her to give up. You must be there to hold her when she is about to.
You must love her because many have tried and failed. And she wants to know that she is worthy to be loved, that she is worthy to be kept.
And, this is how you keep her.
— Junot Diaz - This is How you Lose Her


Do I live for love?
Or is love something that should be lived for in order to exist and breathe.
I feel it?
And often I undermine its power...
It chokes me
And sometimes I gag at its honour...
Your honour - love - please don't do to me as you please...
Cause you see....
I am merely trying to understand - how any man
No matter how strong or well travelled can grovel at the sound of your whisper....
You don't speak much....
And yet you teach......
Sometimes you preach ....but we often don't hear your words and passages.

I thought I knew - YOU
Yet it is you that I know nothing about....
But I remain grateful that your scriptures come with education, imagination, growth, hope, sadness, hurt, cries, laughter and the one I truly admire...

Once showered and felt - you pour yourself selflessly
from my finger tips down to my hips , back up to my lips ,ears and right in the middle of my belly...
I feel you
And oh do you feel so devine.
You overwhelm me.

You seem to not fear what you do to people
But you seem to walk away quite easily....especially from those who undermine and dont respect you.
Its through you that I learnt trust and forgiveness - and yet its through you that I met your foe...
And yet you still caressed my sacred heart and reminded me of your beauty.

Right now.....all I ask is for your teachings - and that which I dont know - open my heart and guide me.

Beacuse right now - I am at a place in my life - where I've met another side of you - I met a new You recently - dont let me go - for who knows - where you will lead e too.

L.O.V.E - even you can be loved.


Thursday 7 November 2013

Smile :) Its not so bad.

I happened to come across this video, and whilst watching it I couldnt help but smile and feel heartache at the same time. Cancer is not a disease I wish even upon my worst enemy. Its a dreaded disease the eats and takes no prioners - after losing my uncle - Uncle Denis Msimanga to the disease and seeing it eat at his body - I vowed to take care of my health and respect the disease- after all I come from  a blood line of cancer - sad but true.

This video brightened up my evening shift, and I realised things are really not that bad as they seem - most people are dull and depressed before under-going surgery; this lady on the other hand handled it with so much grace and positivity. One could learn a thing or two from her :)

I salute people who always make the best out of sad or straneous situations.



Taken from

"Facing a double mastectomy with grace takes courage. Facing one with courage and joy is extraordinary.

But that’s exactly what Deborah Cohan did yesterday right before she went into surgery to have her breasts removed. Cohan, an Ob/Gyn and mom of two, held a dance party with her medical team in the operating room of Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco.

This inspiring 6-minute-long video, posted on YouTube, shows Cohan busting some serious moves as she wiggles and twerks to Beyonce’s hit “Get Me Bodied.” Cohan requested that friends and family make videos of themselves dancing to Bey too so that she could watch them during her recovery. “I have visions of a healing video montage,” she wrote. “Nothing brings me greater joy than catalyzing others to dance, move, be in their bodies. Are you with me people?”

They were. You can check out videos of Deborah’s fans shaking their booties in solidarity on her CaringBridge page.

Deborah, we wish you a speedy recovery. And can we go clubbing with you when you’re all better?"