Tuesday 30 April 2013

My today and tomorrow

Ladies and gentleman its been a while, but alas, fear not for I come with gifts to bare.

This world that we living in consumes us to a point of exhaustion, forgetfulness, discretion, secretion and tiredness.

These past few months, I have taken time to think, re-evaluate and make decisions that many contemplate but falter to follow through. As human beings we often complain about lives and never do anything to change the energy around nor help ourselves, and its not that we cannot alter our lives, we are blocked by fear, and at times that fear is NOTHING - a world of the unknown. We should not worry about our past or hinder ourselves from happiness and life. The life we were given came with gifts, from God, of knowledge to impart and receive and brains to help us mentor ourselves......

The video included in today's post is by Nas featuring Lauryn Hill, "If I ruled the world." Listen, take a moment to hear his words and the chorus.......

Have fabulous day ahead and live you life as though you won the jackpot.


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