Thursday 23 August 2012

BMW Polo Series Winner!!!

So there I was going through Miss Mili 's blog and came across the BMW Polo series competition. Without any thoughts of winning, I decided to enter and give it a go ahead anyway. That week when I had entered the competition,  was quite an exhausting and emotionally draining week, but I still kept firm and continued soaring through my days as per usual. Then suddenly a week later I receive an email from Milisuthando Bongela, congratulating me on being the chosen winner for the BMW Polo series this coming Sunday on 26August. I have never been so ecstatic and shocked at the same time. I mean HELLO, it was the first time ever winning an entered competition, and to top it off, it wasn't any ordinary competition its THE BMW POLO SERIES!! My winner package includes: Getting picked up at my home in a limo and chauffeured to and fro from the event, two VIP tickets to the BMW marque which includes bubbly and lunch and a chance to be dressed by Mememe. Lets not forget meeting the WONDERFUL AND TALENTED FASHION JOURNALIST MILISUTHANDO BONGELA, AND THE FASHION WHO'S WHO OF THE ZOO! The fantastic news made my week and filled my heart with so much joy- I AM A LUCKY LADY INDEED. And yes I shall take pics and share my wonderful first time experience at the polo!!! CANT WAIT.........(to be blog continued).


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